Oz Osborn

4th Year | Com Design

The Technology U + I Can('t) Reach Tech Fair! | Fall 2021


In this class we examined how technology shapes who we are in the AFK world. One of my favorite things we learned about was Rez HD, a game which had a visual and auditory experience.

Metaphor of Choice For Using Technology

Technology is an extra limb


An Artists Computer

Speculative Computer

When drafting our art computer, we brainstormed adjectives that we want our computer to embody. These words were: Creative, Colorful, Free, Experimental, Free, Open minded, Personal, Problem solving, Stylized and Collaborative. These computers would be bluetooth operated and able to pair different screens with others to easily collaborate on different pieces. We also thought that there should be two screens, one imitating a large canvas and the other a palette. The bottom palette is touch screen along with the top so you can choose which surface to work on. These have a printer included within the side and are able to fold. The bottom of the large canvas can pull out so you can rest the pallet onto it.

Link to the Full Presentation

Calendar Game

Synthesiac Software & Peripheral

For my Peripheral, I chose to make a calendar that was similar to a game. One can move through this world as their character throughout the day to get virtual points while staying on time.

Link to the Full Presentation

Present Yourself Well

My Networked Identity

In my web page I examine how people choose to present themselves online. I did this through creating a web page where you see yourself on a screen along with items passing on the screen. This text that passes are the unwritten rules of posting on platforms such as instagram and snapchat. We use these platforms so much that these rules have become common sense to many people. However, there are many contradictions within these rules which I tried to highlight. We weren't allowed to use Adobe programs which was way harder for me than I thought because I really rely on those when creating visual assets. However, this allowed me to explore different ways to digitally create images.
